Minister Santelices has ruled out Sonda S.A.'s favor after the controversy over the shares | National


The Minister of Health Emilio Santelices dismissed any type of contract that could favor Sonda SA since he took over the portfolio on March 11.

] The Secretary of State arrived Tuesday until the Health Committee of the House of Representatives to explain his controversial connection with the company.

According to a report in Ahora Noticias, Santelices bought a package of shares for about 40 million pesos from a company that has contracts with the company. State in the field of Health for more than two million dollars.

After revealing what happened, opposition parliamentarians asked the Office of the Comptroller to rule on a possible conflict of interest and were convened to the Health Committee of the Lower House

. The appearance before the deputies, Minister Santelices ruled out some irregularity, baduring that he informed of these actions in his declaration of badets and interests.

Also, pointed out that the purchase of shares, that carried out by the broker Security represents a 0.000039% of the total. In addition, he pointed out that these shares had been sold on July 11.

In this sense, he excluded some conflicts of interest under the provisions of the regulation, because he had less than 10% of the In addition, he badured that in what goes to the head of Department of Health has not signed any contract that could favor the business, adding that the only contracts that Sonda has with the Minsal were signed during the previous government.

Finally, he pointed out the fine that was received during his administration in Sonda for $ 48 thousand, ie. About 31.5 million pesos.

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