Ministry of the Interior complains of smuggling of migrants in the case Andrés Zaldívar is bound


The Ministry of the Interior has filed a criminal complaint for smuggling of migrants against a former diplomat who, with a businessman and a foreigner, managed to enter Chile with 32 citizens Chinese. 19659002] According to Radio Bío Bío, the lawsuit is against the former official of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Minrel) Diego Rivera, the businessman of Curicó, Álvaro Jofré Cabezas and Jing Wang.

It should be noted that he connects to the investigation brought by the North Central Prosecutor, Marcelo Carrasco, who requested in November 2017 the interception of the phone number of the 39, former President of the Senate, Andrés Zaldívar

after the latter appeared to take measures in favor of Jofré, in front of the director of Consular of Immigration of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Digecon), Carlos Applegreen, for to find out why 23 visas from other Chinese immigrants who were planning to visit Chile Suspicions about the DC leader's actions, highlighting their possible involvement in the crime of corruption and smuggling of migrants, as well as contributions to his last campaign.

It should be noted that, at the time, justice denied Carrasco's request After publicly disclosing the information, the Right and the New Majority expressed their rejection of the Attorney General's decision .

Although the former parliamentarian denied the charges, on May 29, at a hearing at the Seventh Guarantee Court, prosecutor Carrasco revealed part of the interceptions. One of them belonged to Jofré, who spoke to Wang: "I have to go talk with Zaldívar now, do not come with me … (sic), because I've already paid him all the money. and did not accomplish it "



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