Ministry of Transport evaluates the company Sonda fine for failure in Metro and Transantiago | National


The Department of Transport badesses to fine the company that orders the Bip Card Automated Billing System after the service had problems on Line 6 of the Metro and Tren Central.

in the software, whose origin has not yet been determined the system of charging and validating the aforementioned payment cards became unusable on Monday

. the purchase in the totem.

Transport Minister Gloria Hutt met with Sonda's managers and said that could not explain the failure or timing of the problem . In addition, he said that he is badessing for the fine of the company.

Metro General Manager Rubén Alvarado reiterated that falla is foreign to his administration . If the problem persists, it calls people to preempt the rush hour and load the Bip card into the manual boxes. cuna-metro-sonda.mp3

The mayor, Karla Rubilar, has announced a plan of urgency for the duration of the failure . The various metro stations of line 6 had officials to regularize the service, for a fee manual.

The holder of Gloria Hutt Transportation took advantage of this failure for to criticize the previous administration for failing to provide complementary public transport services and noted that the business plan who promotes his portfolio, aims to diversify the Technology Provider

Although there were no major drawbacks in the Monday afternoon, the Department of Transportation must receive the report of the company regarding the causes of the incident. The deadline was until Monday evening.

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