Minsal reports 43,000 yellow fever vaccines will arrive in the country in November and December


The Ministry of Health (Minsal) announced that 43,000 doses of yellow fever vaccine would arrive in the country between November and December.

Minsal noted that this vaccine was not present in the mainland of Chile, although tourists who travel to areas at risk of yellow fever and who should be vaccinated according to the requirements of the country of destination on the recommendation of WHO / PAHO, do so when vaccinating the private health system.

"The Sanofi Pasteur laboratory is responsible for providing vaccines against yellow fever to vaccinators of the country's private health system, their local warehouses to distribute," said the health portfolio in a statement.

"Faced with this situation, the Ministry of Health contacted Sanofi Pasteur, who explained that the low availability of this vaccine in the world is due to the fact that the demand exceeds the production capacity," he said. -he adds. ] <! – Download the attached document of this news ->

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