Minvu will promote legal reform to delimit the judicialization of building permits


A second project aims to remedy the lack of urban planning, through the densification of transport routes through Chile.

In line with the problems of the real estate sector that have come to light in recent times, is that the Ministry of Housing and Urban Development (Minvu) is refining three bills to deal with them [19659003] Imagen foto_00000006 ” height=”400″ id=”foto_00000006″ src=”http://www.df.cl/noticias/site/artic/20180718/imag/foto_0000000620180718203147.png” style=”float: left; margin-left: 20px; margin-right: 20px; max-width: 150px; width: 100%; height: auto;” width=”150″ data-w=”150″ data-h=”400″/>

Disputes already prevalent between municipalities or neighbors and developers of projects in this area, placed in the center the validity of building permits, motivated one of the initiatives that work in the portfolio of Cristián Monckeberg.

The chosen route will be a standard to unify the challenge channels or claims that currently exist for building permits, to order the process and to limit the way of canceling work permits and to give legal certainty to the promoters.

The ministry that hopes to approach this ministry is the development of cities, especially with densification, the promotion of high-rise in the structural axes, as it is the metro in the metropolitan area, or large avenues with access to public transport in other cities of

The third project consists of social integration through incentives. President Sebastián Piñera gave Monckeberg 40 days to present the guidelines of this initiative, very much in the debate following the initiative promoted by Joaquín Lavín, to build a building in the roundabout. Athens.

is in the study phase, for the moment the formula that would benefit is to take as a basis the decree DFL2 – created in the 1950s by Arturo Alessandri – to create a similar rule that has incentives Regulatory or fiscal for families wishing to apply When asked about the bill, the portfolio manager said: "We are working with Segpres and Dipres, to generate some kind of what the DFL2 was in its minute. This was born to reduce the housing deficit and produce housing for the middle sectors in the 50s. So, what we are looking for is that it is through a regulation of this style, to be able to generate the l 39; ;integration. "

Housing Deficit

One of the main problems that the state has attacked is the construction of housing. Long in the country to combat the existing housing deficit. [19659005] Monckeberg published the number of new housing requirements in Chile, which are based on the results of the 2017 census.

Thus, the figures reveal that while Chile houses 5.6 million homes, whose lack This index is composed of three sub-groups: non-recoverable dwellings (156,587), closed households (143,196) and closed dwellings with overcrowding (93,830).

This translates into a decrease of 24% compared to the previous census, carried out in the 2002, pbading from 522 000 to 393 000

Of course, in the regions of Arica and Parinacota, and in the extreme south, as Aysén and Magallanes, the deficit has increased.

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