Missing commercial pilots in Chile: airlines admit shortage of graduates | Economy


The boom in commercial flights in Chile, especially after the emergence of low cost generated an increase in pilot requirements. However, from the sector recognize that there is a deficit, since last year only 123 licenses were issued, the lowest amount in the last six years .

According to Jorge Terrise, director of the Golden Eagle School, the model for selling cheap tickets, required 10 pilots by plane. "There are a significant number of 250 pilots (who will be needed) for the next six years," he told El Mercurio.

To obtain an authorization, a course must take place in one of schools or academies who ask to apply to the Directorate General of Civil Aeronautics (DGAC), to which they can apply over 18 years of age who have completed high school and pbaded a medical examination . 19659002] Álvaro Márquez, deputy director of Selección de Latam, admitted to the morning newspaper that since 2017 they present this deficit. "We are talking about numbers that exceed 100 (missing pilots) per country," he said, adding that "we are short of markets, there are no drivers to enter Chile or Peru"

Márquez He added that in 2018, 77 flight attendants arrived and he predicted that 60 more will arrive in December, to do this, they recruited in Argentina.

Similarly, they acknowledged having the same problem, but they ensured that complex complex. "

In the same line, they warned that the acquisition of 76 aircraft by JetSMART will increase the demand for experts.


Faced with this phenomenon, Claudio Campos, general manager of AeroSantaMaría, explained that the high cost of courses can be a problem.

"Diplomas are now close to 38 million dollars but we are working to shorten the curriculum. three to two years, so as to reduce costs to $ 32 million, "he warned.Another factor is funding, because it can only be through consumer loans and without any benefit from the state.

Finally, another discordant point is the high income that can be levied abroad.A captain with more than 500 flying hours can earn $ 15 million per year. months in Asia, while in Chile, new graduates start with $ 1.2 million.

In Chile, some of the places to study are:

] – Academy of Aeronautical Sciences
– Golden Eagle

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