Mobile Phones: This is the position of smartphone brands in the world


This was a surprising year for telephone construction companies and goes beyond its technological implementation. Deployment on the world market and its participation quota for shipping and sales are parameters that we should always see. It 's like the local football tournament table or the end – of – year musical standings on the radio.

The Counterpoint consulting firm published its latest report on the global smart cell market, and there are some surprises to comment on. For starters, the overall delivery of phones has been reduced by 3%; this, although it sounds like nothing, it's interesting to see how brands adapt to this fit. In fact, the top ten companies with the largest number of shipments cover 79% of the global market, leaving only 21% of the 600 companies cannibalizing it.

It seems to maintain the trend despite a reduction in its global shipments of up to 13%. Despite this number in red, it remains with 19% market share. Two out of ten phones for sale are Samsung. The brands that have made the most progress in this top 10 are Chinese: Huawei and Xiaomi. The first one already has a clear strategy: to become the largest phone building company in the world. To do this, Apple has already surpbaded its deliveries with a market share of 13%. Be aware that the 33% growth in 3 months is an interesting indicator, if we add it to those of Samsung and its 13% to the loss.

/ gap

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