"Momo": The new viral challenge that scares parents has arrived in Chile | Society


A new challenge viral is spreading among young Chileans and would represent a danger to their health and physical integrity, warned the PDI .

This is "] Momo ", a kind of game similar to the challenge of the blue whale that frightened more than one reckless: "According to our background, the children access a phone number that comes from another country, He contacts them at times, asks for challenges threatens them and scares them, "said Deputy Commissioner Pía Barrera of the Cybercrime Brigade

The profile picture of the telephone number corresponds to a sculpture of a Japanese museum called "Vanilla Gallery", entirely devoted to terrifying works of art.

What are the risks of the viral challenge "Momo"? Meet them in this @TVN interview with Deputy Commissioner Pera Barrera del Cibercrimenhttps: //t.co/MUytf3QeI4 pic.twitter.com/NTaSxZFltf

– PDI Chile (@PDI_CHILE ) July 19, 2018

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