Monckeberg negotiates pension reform with parliamentarians and finds a "constructive spirit"


The Minister of Labor, Nicolás Monckeberg, said to have met with parliamentarians from the government and the opposition. He therefore hopes that the pension reform will be approved in time, especially given the sense of urgency of the elderly in our country.

"In general terms, I see a constructive spirit.I am convinced that the reform and improvement of our pension system are far more than a political bad of the government and the opposition. , an ethical duty, "he said during an activity with President Sebastián Piñera in which he explained the reform of Elders.

"That is why parliamentarians, who know how important it is to improve the pensions of the elderly, will be willing to sit at the negotiating table and come to a great agreement, "he said. He added that "we also know that some opposition members oppose, destroy and vote against, but I plead for a project of such importance, endowed with such value. ethical, to put aside the political advantages and sit down to reach an agreement permanently removing this pension reform. "

The authority also clarified that the increase of 4% to the burden of the employer would be made gradually, in 8 years. "We did it with special care so as not to affect the job, because if it increases overnight or double, workers may end up citing zero because they risk to lose their job. "

4%, the minister explained that "it will be the worker himself who will decide to leave it in the individual account of AFP or to deliver it to another entity, public or private, for-profit or not, since it will be possible to negotiate benefits, in what to invest or commissions.It is important that this change be understood because none of this can be negotiated today. "

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