Moneda analyzes the use of TC to prevent foreigners from receiving social benefits


The Moneda suffered a serious defeat in the Government House Committee after its indication that foreigners must reside for at least two years to obtain social benefits, such as the March Bond, was rejected.

Under-Secretary of State for the Interior, Rodrigo Ubilla, said that "we consider that there are some initial restrictions that aliens should have regarding their status of thugs ".

At the same time, he fired on the opposition and he said that "once again, a confused image is generated, where the conditions that these foreigners must have in Chile are not clearly established. in all the tones we want foreigners to come to Chile to contribute and take root in our country, but we want to expel those who do not comply with Chilean regulations. "

In the same vein, Ubilla said that 39; it will be badyzed appeal to the Constitutional Court (TC) in case it is not possible to overturn the decision of the Government Commission.

"We are going to study it, because we believe that there is a constitutional objection (by eliminating) the second clause, which has established a restriction; (now, in l & # 39; eliminating), universality is established, it has a cost of the state, and as it has a state cost, it is the initiative of the President. We, the constitutional remedy, we did not do it today, we are going to study it. We have been working hard on this issue, but we think that there is a group parliamentarians who do not understand, "he told La Tercera.

For her part, Assistant Daniella Cicardini explains why this indication was rejected. Bono Marzo shared with the Executive the fact that those who have a permanent residence can only have access to it, but the problem is that the wording of what the government established was also that of a migrant with a definitive contract that was in a regular state, he would not be able to access medical licenses. It is a deeply erroneous generalization, quite perverse. "

MP Catalina Pérez justified her vote against, arguing that" the government has refused to reach an agreement and seek a common solution. Why should a migrant who pays taxes, work and contribute not be entitled, for example, to a medical license or maternal jurisdiction when he needs it?

This position was championed by Francisca Vargas, Director of the Migrant Legal Clinic of Diego Portales University (UDP), who said that "it seems to me very positive the rejection of the indication presented by the Executive, since international standards on human rights, that Chile is obliged to respect, the rights of the people can not be conditioned to the migratory situation. In this sense, if the person is regular or irregular, she should try to access, as soon as possible, the social security system. Making it wait longer does not make sense and is unfair. "

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