Monseigneur Baez: "God cried over Nicaragua in recent months"


Monsignor Silvio Báez, Auxiliary Bishop of Managua, said Sunday that God had been crying those months on Nicaragua, for the deaths of human beings "dead when they were not forced to die, but would die when others decide to kill them ". 19659002] "There is a kind of death that makes God cry, God cries when there are human beings who die because others kill them, there God cries … God cries when we kill people when there are some who kill others The Lord cried abundantly in Nicaragua these two months when the dark forces that sow the terror were unleashed, the violent and criminal repression rages and we have already worn more than 300 dead who died when they did not have to die, but died when others They decided to kill them, that made God cry.God cried a lot because he is the God of life, "said Báez.

"God mourns uncontrollable violence, hardness of heart and understanding, God mourns the wickedness of the hearts that produce so much suffering and we cry too."

The religious commentary that although now Nicaragua is it is bleeding "our country will get up with the help of God and Nicaraguans … Jesus will raise our homeland", but, for that, we must throw the country on his shoulder, echoing the words of Pope Francis when he was cardinal in Argentina. 19659002] "For our country, we must take everything away, we must wear it lovingly on the back," he said.

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