Montenegro's anger over Donald Trump's insinuation that the country could start World War III


Donald Trump describes Montenegro as a "small country with very strong people". Soon he will also discover that they have powerful opinions.

"He is the weirdest president in the history of the United States" says Ranko Krivokapic at the BBC.

Krivokapic knows things about being a head of state.

He has served as president of the Montenegrin Parliament since his independence in 2006 until 2016, and remains the leader of the opposition Social Democratic Party.

It is fair to say that he is not impressed by the current approach of the American president to the diplomat and world affairs

"With this type of president, with his knowledge of foreign policy, who really knows what's going on? "

"They are very aggressive"

<img src = "×0.jpg" alt = "102602933montenegromundonc In an interview with Fox News Trump suggested that Montenegro, with less than a million citizens, could somehow provoke a global conflict. Your response to interviewer Tucker Carlson caused a big surprise on the Adriatic coast

"Let's say that Montenegro, which joined last year, is attacked," Carlson told the president, "Why would my son go to Montenegro to defend him? against an badault? "

He was referring to Article 5 of the founding treaty of NATO, which sees an attack on a member as an attack on everyone." Trump understood his point of view

" Trump says that he is disturbed by the provisions of NATO that require that United States stands up for other member countries' defense ", says the tweet that shows the video of the interview.

"They are very strong and aggressive people. They can become aggressive and, congratulations, you are in the Third World War," improvises Trump

Article 5 has been relied only once by the United States after the attacks Boris Raonic, director of programming at the human rights organization of the Civic Alliance, was among those who had hard to believe what he was hearing.

"We usually have (a president of United States) who unites and promotes Western values.Now, instead of a leader, we have a [19659018] showman ".


Raonic says that even that is not it. it would be so important that Trump had taken the trouble to study the countries and subjects on which he made sudden statements

"Obviously, he does not read what the State Department is preparing him, as we have these stupid statements, which clearly show a lack of knowledge and respect for the role that the United States had up to now. "

The forces of the NATO "Not Necessary"

The description What Trump of Montenegro has done as a nation of fools for the conflicts has probably surprised the millions of tourists who enjoy the mountains and the peaceful beaches every year.

And this is also not an image that Ranko Krivokapic himself recognizes.


"Peace in Montenegro is not in danger, everything is under control: NATO forces are not needed in Montenegro."

Boris Raonic is also not impressed by Trump's characterization of modern Montenegrins

"Montenegro has moved away from its (military) tradition there are more than half a year (Trump) are, at least, inappropriate since we are shrinking On the way to EU membership, be a member of NATO we provides additional security. "

But that does not necessarily guarantee respect.

The Prime Minister of Montenegro, Dusko Markovic, last year, when Trump took him aside while the heads of government were meeting for a "group photo".

Russian Influence

The President of the United States may also be betraying his ignorance or insensitivity to the recent activity of Russia in the Western Balkans.

Russia has made it clear that it still considers the region as part of its sphere of influence.

Before the entry of Montenegro into NATO, the then Russian Deputy Prime Minister, Dmitry Rogozin, declared that the former Yugoslav Republic "would regret" to join the alliance. status / 1019611082934161408

"The people of #Montenegro bravely endured the pressure of Russia # Putin to maintain democracy, the Senate voted 97-2 by supporting their entry into NATO, attacking Montenegro and questioning our obligations to NATO, the president plays directly in the hands of Putin " wrote US Senator John McCain.

Montenegrin prosecutors denounced the fact that Moscow was at the origin of a coup attempt in 2016. Although Russia denied responsibility

Ranko Krivokapic s & # 39, worried that his country is a currency ] at the Trump-Putin summit

"I hope that Montenegro has not been to the negotiating table in Helsinki, I hope that Trump simply reacts to Fox's question, and nothing deeper. "

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"For us it is very important that we are part of NATO, the issue is virtually closed in Montenegro, we are accepted in the West."

Boris Raonic, meanwhile, has strong words in response Trump praised Russia for its role in the Second World War.

"Proportionally to the number of inhabitants, Montenegro has had the highest number of casualties in both world wars.It is because we are leading the fight despite being the only one in the world. one of the smallest nations in the region. "

The most indignant Montenegrins will surely use the US president's favorite medium, Twitter, to correct it. No doubt in a strong and aggressive way.

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