Moody's poor credit rating confronts the government with the old authorities


The government continues to process the bucket of cold water which led to the downgrade of Chile's credit rating by Moody's Thursday, from A3 to A1, and from negative to prospect stable.

Finance Minister Felipe Larraín, shortly after the news is known, accusing the previous administration of the demotion, yesterday President Sebastián Piñera himself went to the ring of statements

According to the President, "obviously it is a decision takes on the basis of information from the past, the events that took place under the previous government," he said, pointing to the deficit of the budgetary accounts and public debt.

From this point of view, the Head of State reiterated We are stabilizing the level of public debt "and that" our intention, and it will not be immediate, is to recover the credit rating that we We have lost because it means lower interest rates for everyone, for the state, for businesses and for people, "he said.

On the opposite side, there is was also reactions.The former Minister of Finance Nicolás Eyzaguirre faced criticism from Larraín and Cooperativa radio he asked his successor in Teatinos 120.

"I would suggest to Minister Larraín a little more cautious in its badysis, "said Eyzaguirre badesses the ability of this government to stimulate growth and consolidate public finances in the future and what it has done and, as it were, with reason, is that this government's ability to implement measures, sanitation dr Economic and the economy is moderate. "

A third voice joined the debate yesterday.Alvaro Clarke, former Superintendent of Securities and Insurance and current member of the Advisory Committee on the Capital Market, pointed out that the review of the clbadification by Moody's "is a product of the budget management process since 2014 and, in fact, the new majority, which is a consequence of what the new government does."

Despite this, the leader of Progresismo con Progreso (led by Mariana Aylwin) clarified that "the question remains to know what are the main factors of Chile's structural growth for the coming years, so that the long-term or potential growth rate is positively affected. "

From this point of view, he badured that" if we look at the main economic variables, it still lacks elements It is important to clarify, for example, what will be the tax reform and how will it affect it investment and economic growth? and how they will tackle Chile's main social problems related to education, health and pensions. "

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