MOP establishes preventive measures for the La Gloria bridge by the frontal system


In order to know the current state of the 13 bridges that the Department of Roads of the Ministry of Public Works (MOP) has established as vulnerable, the portfolio holder, Juan Andrés Fontaine, met the seremis of O & # Higgins, Coquimbo, Valparaiso, Metropolitana, Maule, Biobio and La Araucanía to establish precautionary measures and evaluate additional work, because of the frontal system that will extend until this Friday.

In the region of O. Higgins, the road work that should be studied is the La Gloria Bridge, located on I-400 Road, in Nancagua Commune.

"We held a working meeting to discuss precautionary measures for bridges and to be adopted after what happened in the Cancura.This reflects our concern about the effect that the rains and increased flows can have on the state bridges that have been identified as vulnerable and that require special measures, "said Minister Fontaine

. reiterated to the representatives of the Seremis and Directions of Roads and Hydraulic Works of the MOP the instruction to take charge "to consider the implementation of precautionary measures such as speed reduction, in more of the implementation "

" There is a work focused on bridges that have a more critical state and we draw attention to them, but the instruction is that without prejudice to this cadastre we must also pay attention in the Remaining bridges, "added the head of the MOP

It should be noted that the remaining 12 bridges The onitoreados correspond to Monte Patria, in the area of ​​Coquimbo; the Rabuco and Illalolen bridges in the region of Valparaíso; Los Morros Bridge, in the metropolitan area; Los Puercos and Compuerta Bridge, El Maule; Canoas viaduct, El Parrón bridge and Río Laja bridge, in region VII and Pellahuen bridges, Villa Florencia and Allipen, in the region of Araucania.

The monitored structures are part of a revised total sample of 1,034 bridges over 30 meters, not wood, and over 10 years of age

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