Morales: "There is no dictatorship, there are right-wing politicians"


Beatriz Layme / La Paz

"In Bolivia there is no dictatorship, there are right-wing politicians". That's how President Evo Morales yesterday responded to groups of citizens who declared him "dictator" this weekend, for failing to respect the result of 21F, when the majority said "No "to a fourth reelection continues.

Citizen platforms, gathered in Cochabamba, also decided to "polarize two types of Bolivia", which defend democracy and support the dictatorship.

Yesterday, Morales insisted that there is no dictatorship in the country. because if that was the case, the congress of the collectives would not have taken place, because in a dictatorial regime, there is no opposition, they are confined, he There is a curfew, the repression, the union escape.

The head of state said: "They are not collective citizens, but politicians disguised as citizens.They speak of the rule of law, what are they missing? The good state." [19659003] The Defense of 21F

Collectives of citizens demand that the government respect the result of 21F. The protest appeared in social networks; then, he jumped on the streets and also at various official mbad events, ranging from sports to culture.

One day even the People's Advocate, David Tezanos Pinto, was reprimanded by a group of activists. It happened when I took a coffee. The mobilized people asked him to apply the will of the sovereign.

The defense of 21F also reached the Vatican. Women, who wore t-shirts bearing the inscription "21F, Bolivia said no," attended the Holy See, during the consecration of Cardinal Toribio Ticona. The activists took pictures with the cardinal, who was invested in an act followed by Morales.

Such protests, according to the head of state, are part of a plan to discredit his government and erode its image. so that in 2019 he will no longer be elected president.

"It's his goal: to destroy Evo," said Morales, before stressing that "the right", with any accusation, intends to return to the government for " take everything "what has been accomplished in his administration.

On February 21, 2016, 51.3% answered "No" to re-election. This result prevents Morales from being a candidate in 2019. However, in November 2017, the Constitutional Court (TCP) conferred on the head of state the power to argue that it is his "right" human "to be newly elected

. In this PCT ruling, President Morales felt that defending 21F "is defending the lie, it's shameful," because "democracy has values, principles, and therefore defend the 21 st of February it's defending the right ". ]

The approval of Evo

  • Alerta The mining leader Orlando Gutiérrez affirmed that the demonstrations demanding the respect of the 21F vote do not worry them, but they are in state d & # 39; alert. "They started the government's erosion campaign, to discredit President Morales, I think these scenarios do not scare us, but they alert us, we will not go into confrontation, but we Let's defend the president, "said Gutiérrez, in an interview with Panamericana.
  • Unimportant MP Edgar Montaño (MAS) downplayed the warnings of citizen groups, who announced a march from Caracollo in defense of 21F. Montaño said that the last time activists mobilized in Santa Cruz, they were "100 cats," reports ANF.

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