More than 1,500 pets were vaccinated against rabies in the region


The health authorities have made a positive badessment after the end of the mbadive anti-rabies vaccination operations carried out in 11 communes of the region.

Operations were designed to prevent rabies, a viral zoonosis characterized by acute encephalomyelitis, with 100% lethality, even in exceptional cases of recovery. Transmission is through the saliva of the animal by a bite or contact with the mucous membranes or sores by lodging in the nervous system. Animals that can transmit this disease can be bats, dogs, foxes, that is to say, warm-blooded animals.

The balance of the Health Authority Alejandro García was positive "These rabies operations were conducted in conjunction with our health and municipalities in the 3 provinces of the region, 1,539 domestic animals were vaccinated, which means that the prevention of rabies was a mbad operation very important for the community. "

In addition, the health authority emphasized the importance We have received so far 52 samples of bald community captured mice, which were sent to the Institute of Public Health, 4 of which were positive. This is why it is important to keep the vaccination book up to date with our pets. "

Operations were carried out in 11 regions of the region, such as Canela, Coquimbo, La Serena, La Higuera, Punitaqui, Ovalle, Salamanca, Los Angeles, Vilos, Paihuano, Illapel and Vicuña.

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