
Nearly 200 workers belonging to the national oil company (Enap) Magallanes participated this morning in a major workshop on the prevention of the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and badually transmitted infections (STIs). from one of the professionals of Seremi de Salud, coordinated by Seremi del Trabajo, Victoria Cortés.

The activity stems from an alliance between regional secretaries of health and labor, the latter being interested in covering this campaign. HIV prevention among the largest number of workers from different companies and services in the region, an initiative to actively sensitize Magellanians to the prevalence of this virus in the population and ways to prevent its transmission.

Seremi (s) of the Work, Marcelo Triviño, "I would like to thank the company for its openness to this initiative of the Seremi of Salud and the Seremi del Trabajo res take this subject, the l & # 39; 39, listen to and see the realities that exist.The numbers tell us that about one person diagnosed, there are 10 who do not know it.The call is therefore to take care of yourself, to take care of our partner and his family, not to engage in risky behavior and to contact public and private institutions that diagnosis can be performed in minutes. "

From Seremi del Trabajo and for the rest of the year , coordinating these workshops with other companies continues. "We invite you to join this initiative, giving it all the merit importance and avoid that kind of shame about talking about this problem or not. other problems of baduality, to change this mentality and to evolve r in this sense, "added Triviño.

Responsible for delivering this attractive training, Constanza Bravo, HIV nurse / Health Seremi's AIDS and STIs program, also appealed to the people of Magellan. "As a region of Magallanes, as in the rest of the country, we have seen an increase in HIV cases over the years, so we insist on the importance of ensuring that the test has a cure. early and timely, to avoid major complications throughout life, "he explained.

According to Mr. Constanza, the test is absolutely voluntary, confidential and free in the public system. Those who wish can go to the hospital clinic from Monday to Friday from 8 am to 10 am with only the identity card for the examination.

The professional added that "there are still many myths about the subject and the Magellanic community is not yet accustomed to talking about HIV and preventative measures and it's the the main change we want to make, talk a bit more about this. "

In this regard, Paulina, Director of Labor Relations at Enap Magallanes Lagos, stated that" for us, safety and health are paramount, without this, we can not develop our work and, therefore, we educate all about these issues is essential.A few years ago, the preventive examination was deleted, but we will resume it because it is absolutely necessary that We are inviting you to talk about this problem, despite its discomfort, the only way to protect ourselves.It is this ignorance that fear has led us, but if we manage to get away with it, we may be mid they protect us. "

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