More than 200 years of history preserves the image of the Virgin of Carmen in Tampico




  More than 200 years of history preserves the image of the Virgin of Carmen in Tampico

By: Jorge Palacios

Tampico, Tam.- The image of the virgin del Carmen located in the Chapel of Our Lady of Carmen, in the colony island Pérez de Tampico, retains great historical and cultural value since the age of more than two centuries, makes it unique in the state of Tamaulipas.
This figure worked in a single piece of Lebanon cedar and with a seal in the hands, was restored to Tampico after suffering damage in 1957 due to a fire in the former convent of Carmen in the State of San Luis Potosí.
"It is wood, it is cooked, it is made of porcelain, with a bladder of sheep with which it has been restored, its crown is in white gold and its halo, which is very particular, with leaves of # 39; gold. its base which is the marine wake and this room was in the richest place in a gold niche when it burns it comes back from a desert, returns to the sea, where the pilgrimage begins and returns to the poorest, wants to be among the poor ", indicated.
The chronicler of the city of Tampico said that the image of the Virgin of Carmen is considered a jewel of the era vice-royal.
"It is the most important deputy royal iconographic figure we have, in fact there was a viceroy jewelery, in all the condition that it is worth showing and it worth it to be done, "he said. ] The figure of the Virgin of Carmen is in view of whoever wishes, on the promenade of the island Perez, the chapel that protects it was rehabilitated in 2016, as the alley where it is located, thus forming an attractive More tourists offered by the city of Tampico.

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