More than 200,000 weapons have unknown whereabouts in Chile | National


More than 200,000 weapons are missing in the country according to information released by Interior Minister Andrés Chadwick at the Senate Security Committee held last Wednesday.

] The data was provided by La Tercera, who in turn stated that the government official stated that "we have the official register of 753,000 weapons, of which 519 thousand are known about their origin and their home; the rest, corresponding to 234 thousand, his whereabouts are not known . "

This context is observed with interest by the authorities, given the latest violent crimes that took place in the country , where the possession of Weapons on the part of criminals is one of the recurring details.

The report also reports a balance made by the Prefect of Control of Weapons and Explosives of Carabinieri (OS-11), Colonel Andrés Troncoso, who maintained that " in Chile, five out of 100 took steps to register a gun . On the other hand, La Tercera reports that the executive said that the requirements for the registration of weapons will be required, among which physical examinations are requested and the chain of custody identify the owners of weapons.

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