More than 2,900 Peruvians died of diabetes in 2017


In Peru, 2,950 people died of diabetes in 2017, according to information provided by the Pan American Health Organization (1945) said the president of to the RPP News] Peruvian Diabetes Association (Adiper) Endocrinologist Jorge Calderón

One of the reasons why Peruvians continue to die of diabetes is the increase in population in major cities . The migrant population adopts the harmful lifestyles of cities .

"Fifty years ago, about 30% of the population lived in rural areas. Currently, 95% live in urban areas which brings about changes in the way of life of Peruvians", explains Calderón.

Among these changes, we find that most adult members of the family work. Their immediate attitude forces them to consume fast foods based on non-alcoholic beverages, chips and foods high in carbohydrates.

Most adults being away from home as long as possible, children have no one to accompany them to parks, to be distracted and to be physically active . Children stay at home in front of a screen while watching television or playing video games. A sedentary lifestyle is a condition that affects the health of the entire family.

"For these reasons, diabetes gradually increases, and we add that about 30% to 40% of diabetics currently in Peru have no diagnosis because it is a silent disease The person perceives it only when it has a problem with the foot, kidneys or eyes, "warns the endocrinologist Calderón.

Diabetes is no longer a disease of the 21st century, but it is between the first most harmful conditions for human health . According to the president of Adiper, it is the main cause of amputation of a lower limb due to a diabetic foot ; This is also the main reason for dialysis in Peru and in the world. Another aggravating factor is that it has become the leading cause of blindness due to retinal detachment.

"Two of the third parts of diabetes will die, victims of cardiovascular disease or a stroke.", Adds Calderón.

Peru must take preventive measures from neighboring countries

Some neighboring countries of South America have coordinated strategies for treating diabetes in their population. Chile, Colombia, Argentina and Brazil are countries in which the state is responsible for establishing a diagnosis of diabetes for the general population .

"They perform an evaluation every three years to see the glucose level study the prevalence of diabetes at the population level. Chile even has some sort of census of diseases and better access to medicines In Argentina, the state provides the glucose meter to their patients, "Calderón said.

Clinica Delgado's Diabetes Endocrinologist, Alberto Quintanilla, recommends to eat a healthy diet and do 150 minutes of physical activity a week as recommended by the WHO. This is because overweight and obesity are the leading causes of diabetes in Peru and around the world.

Jorge Calderón of Adiper states that if the person has one of the following conditions must be met annual glucose diagnosis to prevent diabetes : be over 40 years old; Being overweight or obese history of diabetic parents; women having babies weighing more than 4 kg and women with gestational diabetes .

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