More than 500 mountaineers were trapped by the earthquake in Indonesia


Indonesian rescue teams are trying Monday to evacuate more than half a thousand mountaineers trapped on Mount Rinjani on the island of Lombok, where an earthquake took place on Sunday. 6.4 degrees of magnitude caused at least 14 dead and 162 wounded .

Landslides and landslides caused by the earthquake block the return route to climbers, among them five Spaniards according to the register to which he had access Efe.

None of them is in danger ]

At least two helicopters were deployed for rescue duties, which have already managed to evacuate 246 others said the spokesman of National Agency for Disaster Management (BNPB) Sutopo Purwo Nugroho, on social networks.

trapped are about 200 Thais who, according to the Thai newspaper Bangkok Post spent the night in tents and consumed the provisions with which they ascended the mountain, where there is one of the main tourist attractions of the island: the active volcano Rinjani

The telluric movement of about 10 seconds ravaged early Sunday morning in Lombok, in the eastern part of the archipelago.

According to the provisional balance sheet, at least 14 people were killed, 162 were injured – 105 were seriously injured – thousands of buildings were damaged and more than 6,200 families were affected , according to the BNPB

The eastern region of Lombok was the area where the highest number of deaths was recorded with 10 (nine Indonesians and one from Malaysia), while the other four (all local) The earthquake was also felt on the island of Bali, west of Lombok and the main tourist destination of the country, and in Sumbawa, east of the hypocenter and where some buildings get are collapsed.

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