More than 500 soldiers took the oath of the flag on Plaza Independencia


Photograph: Isidoro Valenzuela M.

In a traditional ceremony, held in the Plaza Independencia of Concepción, the oath to the flag was held by more than 500 troops of military units of the region who pledged themselves – raising their right hands in the sense of the Standard of Combat – to comply with the laws and regulations, and to be brave, honest soldiers and lovers of theirs [19459007Patria to death if necessary.

Isidoro Valenzuela M.

The act done yesterday, which highlights the vocation of service to the homeland, was carried out by officers, clbades and professional troop soldiers who are destined to their first unit; the students of the mother schools, who, having pulled their first stage of military training and conscripts, symbolize their pbadage from an ordinary citizen to a defender of the Fatherland.

"This oath is made throughout the national territory, from Putre to Tierra del Fuego. This is the commitment made by citizens entering compulsory military service, as well as recently graduated officers, who only ratify our service vocation until our last breath, to our beloved Army and our Chile, "Expressed the Commander of Land Operations General Luis Espinoza Arenas.

Regarding the importance of the ceremony, Mayor Jorge Ulloa stated that in the Combat of Concepción which is commemorated with the oath that "I feel personally extremely proud of these young people, especially the example that gave the youth , Luis Cruz Martinez, among others, to say that a Chilean does not surrender, c says that it is essential that we never forget that Chile owes it to those who have do the story like them. "

Isidoro Valenzuela M.

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