More than 500 women victims of domestic violence received help in a confidential and free way


Legal and psychological counseling is one of the alternatives offered by the Municipality of Punta Arenas, through the Women's Community Office, to women who experience some type of violence. This is a preventative initiative aimed at tackling one of the most common crimes that society faces today and that has cost more because of the the fear that victims face when they denounce.

or at 61 2200651 or in the offices of Avenida Independencia 830, where they will be badisted and accompanied in the delicate process. "That our city does not have femicides is everyone's goal and we should not wait to get there, there are a lot of people who have trouble, they have nowhere to go. In the face of this, we want to help and protect, "said Punta Arenas Mayor Claudio Radonich

as part of this program, more than 300 legal services and more than 500 psychological services were delivered in 2017. , and this year They will continue with this preventive work.

On the occasion, the communal leader commented that despite all the campaigns, in the country there were four femicides followed last month. "L & # 39; important is to prevent and do this by giving a space to our neighbors who feel in a complex environment, with the psychological harbadment that is what is started and not only for people who live as a couple, but also for the pololos " , he warned

He emphasized The services are provided free of charge, but in a closed environment and in a confidential space.

"We want to call women who have a problem or who know someone who is in this situation to approach and consult, we have attention, but we can draw conclusions. Often, they do not have a family network, they often think that this will happen if the man is the only provider they live in. From the very beginning of the acts of violence until the day of the violence. they denounce seven years pbad, the idea is that they approach us sooner, "insisted Radonich.

Dideco's director, Elena Blackwood, called on the women of the municipality to use these available spaces, which have a private character for reserved attention in case they need it.


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