More than 70% of people use their Smartphone in the bathroom


July 28, 2018 – 16:38
According to a test conducted by Motorola, the average user in Argentina has a better balance using his mobile phone than the rest of the countries in the region.

By Leonardo Coscia, NA Special – More than half of the Argentines said they consciously use their smartphone, although the balance between personal life and the use of mobile phones presents some shortcomings, since, by For example, more than 70% of users use the device when they go to the bathroom.

This is the result of an anonymous and online test designed to identify just how far the relationship with phones is and understand the level of dependence that exists with mobile phones.

The test, conducted by the Motorola company as part of the #Phonelifebalance campaign, brought together 46,000 Argentines, of whom 32% say that they checked their smartphone when it was over. a marriage.

In addition, 66% of Argentines always check their smartphone before getting up and more than 72% of Argentines say that when they go to the bathroom, they take to his smartphone.

According to the test, the average user of Argentina has a greater balance using his smartphone than the rest of the countries in the region.

In Argentina, strikingly, 50% of participants responded that he had a good balance with their Smartphone

Of the 5 possible profiles, the most prevalent among the Argentines, with 38%, was Phone Level 2: These users live with their phone, not in it. They smartly use the smartphone to save time and energy that they could invest in things that really matter to them. They realized that the balance between the cell phone and their life is something they need to take care of and that they work to maintain it.

The other encouraging fact of Argentina is that 12% is defined as the phone-sapiens, which is the highest level. balance of the test. These are people who have achieved a good balance using their phone.

All is not balanced

The second largest group in Argentina, with 34.6% was the level that is found exactly in the middle of the scale: phone-in love (level 3)

These are people who feel anxious when they do not have the phone nearby, and who use it anytime just because he's here.

Good manners would mark when it should be used and when not, but this group does not always stick to it. Without going further, more than 90% of the Argentines say that they have checked their Smartphone only to check if something had happened, but nothing had changed since the last time they were there. had watched.

In Latin America more than 126,000 people have done the test, and in countries like Mexico, Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Colombia and Peru, users have been able to discover the relationship with their phone.

54% of Latin Americans would be willing to give up their smartphone for a month, rather than bad, although that also means that almost half prefer the opposite.

On the other hand, a surprising fact is that 15% of Latin American users spend 24 hours a day with the smartphone at their fingertips.

Meanwhile, for 35% of attendees, it's not disgusting to accept that your smartphone is your best friend when you're in the bathroom.

65% of participants in Latin America check their phone for notifications before getting up in the morning and a big trigger of this anxiety is that their companions do it before them, since over 74% of Participants also said that they would probably check their cell phone as soon as one of their friends picks up the cell phone.

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