Most Britons want a new referendum on Brexit


Most Britons want a new referendum on Brexit, once the final outcome of negotiations between London and the European Commission will be known, according to a poll released Friday.

42% The British consider it necessary to re-vote once the negotiations are over, while 40% do not want to, according to a survey conducted among 1653 people by the YouGov Institute for the British newspaper The Times.

This is the first time, according to polls, the majority of Britons who want a new referendum, after the vote in favor of Brexit in June 2016.

The idea of ​​organizing a new consultation, championed by the collective "People's Vote", has increased Its recent weeks, after being defended by the former Minister of Education, Justine Greening

the newspaper The Independent has launched a petition asking for a new referendum. This had already collected 200,000 signatures this Friday morning.

The Times poll is released one day after Michel Barnier, the European negotiator for Brexit, criticized the "Checkers plan" presented by British Prime Minister Theresa May, who meets his Austrian counterpart, Sebastian Kurz, on Friday. in Vienna

This May plan provides for a "sweet Brexit" and aims to maintain the UK's trade ties with the European continent after Brexit, scheduled for 20 March 2019.

For this, the British government defends a new system of control of the goods which circulate on the British territory and defends the perception of the customs duties on its borders with the countries of the EU.

"The EU can not delegate or delegate the implementation of its policy or its customs rules," Barnier said at a press conference in Brussels with the British minister Foreign Affairs. Rexit, Dominc Raab

These statements represent "the death of the Checkers plan," the Guardian newspaper reported Friday.

© Agence France-Presse

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