Mother and daughter murdered in Ciudad Arce


The killers simulated an operation, badured the PNC.

A mother and daughter who engaged in domestic activities were shot dead while they slept, police reports said.

A group of people wearing dark clothes, armed with rifles and simulating a police operation, entered María Silveria Díaz, 63, and her daughter Adriana de Jesús Garay, 42, where they were executed by gunshots .

The double crime was committed approximately at one o'clock yesterday, in La Campiña, San Antonio Abad Los Indios Township, Ciudad Arce Municipality, La Libertad

Criminals allegedly fled in two vehicles were waiting, according to a police source

Prosecutors and police found caps of 9 and 40 millimeters, which were shot against women. The attack was reportedly direct and no one was injured, a police source confirmed.

The causes of the crime were not disclosed and, allegedly, women did not have relatives with gangs, police or the army. is besieged by the MS-13 gang, although it has not been confirmed that the double crime was committed by the aforementioned criminal structure.

Last Tuesday, the remains of two women in putrefaction, were on a farm in Santa Tecla.

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