Motorola announced an agreement with iFixit to offer mobile repair kits


Motorola phone users will be able to buy official repair kits at iFixit

Increasingly difficult to repair due to miniaturization and annual launch of various models of

Users often face many difficulties in repairing their own equipment. In this scenario
iFixit is the organization dedicated to the badysis of the different options available on the market of the
change the battery or the screen of a mobile phone, although most of the time with spare parts or spare parts.

This will now change at least with Motorola phones, which has just announced an agreement with iFixit to officially provide the spare parts of the latest smartphone models, such as Moto X, Z, G4 and G5.

"Motorola gives us the example that you can have a more open attitude towards the repair of electronic devices.This partnership with iFixit is a support for the community of interested users
defending their right to repair. Large manufacturers and small repair shops can coexist without problem, "iFixit said in a statement released
on its official blog

The agreement between Motorola and iFixit targets more experienced users whose phones are no longer covered by the official warranty but wish to extend the life of the equipment by replacing the new one. screen or battery. For its part, Apple, which asks its users to send only their
phones and
computers to official technical services, a modality that discourages
Informal or self-taught repair.

For reference, Motorola official repair kits are more expensive than the parts offered by iFixit for Apple users. For example, a battery for iPhone costs $ 29 and a replacement screen for about $ 70, while these parts for a Motorola device cost between $ 40 and $ 100, according to
to a report from The Verge.

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