Mozilla accuses Google of making YouTube work in Firefox and Edge | Technology


A new chapter of the eternal competition between Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome was lived this week

It all started after Chris Paterson Technical Mozilla Program Manager, blame Google to make videos on YouTube load more slowly in browsers other than Chrome.

"The load on the YouTube page is 5 times slower in Firefox and Edge than in Chrome" he started pointing to Paterson via his Twitter account.

As he explains, it's because the new web design of the video platform incorporates a Java Script library called Polymer which is used in the latest update for the redesign web.

The great detail is that, as it brings together Vanguardia's digital media, Polymer works with the standard API components Shadow DOM v0, which is only implemented in Chrome. The YouTube page loading is 5 times slower in Firefox and Edge than in Chrome, because the redesign of Polymer on YouTube is based on the old deprecated DOM Shadow DOM API implemented in Chrome. You can restore the faster pre-Polymer design of YouTube with this Firefox extension:

– Chris Peterson (@cpeterso) July 24, 2018

In the same publication, Paterson advises download the extension Tampermonkey in the browser to return to the YouTube version before Polymer's implementation.

Remember that Chrome has enabled the Site Isolation function a few days ago, or Web Site Isolation, as a security measure against the Specter threat.

This metric generated various reactions because it causes an increase in RAM consumption.

This function, which is included in the latest version of the browser (Chrome 67), consumes between 10% and 13% more RAM than its previous version, says the badyst from Google Blog Charlie Reis in a blog post. 19659012] (function (d, s, id) {
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