Municipality of Antofagasta defends itself for the millionaire diversion in the general cemetery | National


Today was published testimony of Misael Cortés Olivares former administrator of the general cemetery of Antofagasta, accused of embezzlement of public funds, after the disappearance of 269 million dollars, l & rsquo; Money that would have been in his personal account

In the interview, published by the local El Mercurio, Cortes ensures that the amount of $ 269 million, deviated from municipal coffers, is not such and that in addition 7 would be involved . In this context, the Municipality of Antofagasta issued a statement in which it states in seven points:
– In 2017, once the irregularity detected, the municipality was in charge of collaboration with the Office of the Comptroller General of the Republic ordering the different units of the body to comply with the foregoing.
– Among the measures taken, a general cadastre of the cemetery p audit procedures erfeccionando through the control department. This audit corresponds to the period 2011-2014. In addition, he incorporated the necropolis into his annual audit plan at audit every three months.
– The audit mentioned above revealed that bad practices were generated in the administration of the former mayor Marcela Hernando Pérez ] antecedents that will be delivered to the Office of the Prosecutor
– The municipality brought legal action in the detected cases that could have constituted a crime, as established by the Office of the Controller
– The resignation was requested. Misael Contreras Olivares former administrator of the cemetery, immediately informing the public prosecutor
– With regard to the sums resulting from the sale of land not admitted in the municipal coffers, l & # 39 communal administration informed the local prosecutor's office for embezzlement.


As a result of the judicial proceedings conducted this afternoon, Cort C & # 39; was with precautionary measures: home arrest, monthly signature and national arraigo, while the investigation lasts.

This article describes an ongoing court process

It is possible that the charges may be dismissed at the end of the investigation, so the defendant should NOT be considered guilty until the judge makes a judgment against him.
(Article 04 of the Code of Criminal Procedure)

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