Musk builds capsule to help save Thailand


Elon Musk, founder of Tesla and Space X, announced that he has a team of engineers working on underwater capsules that could be used to rescue the eight children still trapped in a cave in Thailand.

his Twitter account, Musk has released a series of videos of the device, which consists of a metal capsule that would be connected to tubes through which the necessary oxygen would enter to complete the trip to the l & # 39; 39, entrance to the cave, reported the Argentine newspaper The Vanguardia

This minisubmarine, built with the liquid oxygen transfer tube of a Falcon 9 chete, would be light enough for only two divers carry it, and small enough to pbad through the narrow holes.

] Musk explained in the social network that with some modifications, this device could also function as a life-saving space capsule.

Twitter users on the operation of this capsule have indicated that she would have four handles at the front and four at the back. Two connections with the oxygen tank at the front and two at the back, allowing to have 1 to 4 tanks connected simultaneously, all protected from possible impacts with secondary coverage in rupture with leakage of water. "[19659006SelondiversmédiaslefondateurdeTeslaapréciséquelacapsulesoumiseàdestestsdepressiondansunepiscineàLosAngelesseraitprêtedansundélaidehuitheurescequidevraitajouter17autrespourletransférerparairenThaïlande

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