Mysterious interstellar object Oumuamua is not an extraterrestrial probe, says a scientist who discovered it | asteroids


The physicist and astronomer who discovered Oumuamua, the first interstellar object discovered in the solar system, said that the theory that this object is "an artificially derived solar sail" is a speculation wild.

The Harvard-Smithsonian Astrophysical Center published this month suggested that this 400-meter-long object could be a "solar sail".

A solar sail is a method of propulsion for spacecraft and spacecraft alternative or complementary to the use of engines they capture the thrusts produced by sources external to the ship itself.

"There is a maximum speed at which you can travel to gravitate to the sun," said astronomer Robert Weryk at the CBC. "When we saw this object for the first time, it traveled faster than that, so we know it comes from outside our solar system, and we decided it was a comet whose degbading did not was not visible from the ground, so it did not look like a comet. "

He adds:" (The Harvard researchers) have decided to focus on another aspect of this comet.It is a spaceship alien and it has a solar-veil-like material that is at the origin of the non-gravitational trajectory, but in reality we think that this is not true on the basis of the data we have obtained. "[19659002OumuamuatoldtheCBCisprobablya"remnantofanothersolarsystem""It'ssomethingthathappenedtousbychanceandwewereveryluckytohaveusedthetelescopethatnightandtohavelookedinthatdirection"hesaiddeclared"Trytoexplaintheexcessofstrength"thatactedonOumuamua

"Our work follows the standard scientific methodology: an anomaly is observed in the data, the standard explanation does not explain it and an alternative interpretation is proposed", Loeb told Fox: he added that Weryk's comment "shows prejudices".

"I encourage all those who have a better explanation to write an article on the subject and to publish it.Any misinterpretation may be excluded when more data on Oumuamua or other members of its population will be published in the future.A reaction of the kind you have cited shows prejudice, "he said.

Weryk's work focuses on the search for asteroids presenting a danger to the Earth.

Results of the study

"Considering an artificial origin One possibility is that Umuamua is a solar sail, floating in interstellar space, like debris from advanced technological equipment," said the researchers in an article published in Harvard on November 1 st. They observed that the object exhibited a "special acceleration" in space.

"Such acceleration is naturally expected for comets, driven by the material being evaporated.However, recent observational and theoretical studies suggest that Oumuamua is not an active comet, "said the researchers.

The Harvard study adds: "Sails with similar dimensions are designed and built by our own civilization, including the IKAROS project and the Starshot initiative.Solar sun technology can be used to carry charges between planets or between stars. "

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