NASA announced the presence of a double asteroid near the Earth


  NASA announces the presence of a double asteroid near the Earth

The rocky body calls 2017 YE5 and was discovered on December 21 from an observatory in Morocco. These are two celestial bodies that rotate one around the other every 20 or 24 hours.

The National Administration of Aeronautics and Space (NASA) has confirmed the existence of a binary asteroid consisting of two celestial bodies of 900 meters each. The asteroid 2017 YE5, which was discovered on December 21 thanks to the observations provided by the Celestial Study of Oukaimeden Morocco, is considered a near-Earth body.

two huge space rocks of about 900 meters in diameter, each in orbit. Delay between 20 and 24 hours to complete a turn

Apparently, objects have a different density and composition near their surfaces, as well as different surface roughness.

The Caribbean Astronomy Society made a statement Using the most powerful transmitter radio telescope on the planet and two other radars in other parts of the world, the asteroid was followed, which s'. is revealed to be binary or double

The YE5 2017 is the fourth double asteroid of these dimensions. of the Earth formed by two objects of almost identical size.

Source: Chronicle

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