NASA sounds the alarm: an asteroid could cause a devastating explosion


NASA warns of a rock in space over 200 meters in diameter capable of attaching 62 different trajectories. Each of these trajectories can bring the asteroid directly to Earth over the next century.

The 2018 LF16 asteroid was observed for the first time on 16 June. The Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) calculations revealed that the space object could touch the Earth until 2117.

The first possible impact could take place as early as 2023, according to the researchers.

The next most "dangerous" dates are August 8, 2023, August 3, 2024 and August 1, 2025. At present, the speed of the asteroid is almost 54,500 km / h .

Obviously, according to the experts cited by Express, the probability that the LF16 of 2018 crashes on our planet is extremely low and calculated at 0.0000033%.

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However, both that the asteroid would reach the Earth, the force of the impact would be equivalent to that of the bomb of the Soviet tsar, detonated in 1961.

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