NASA's commercial program faces delays



Launch plans for the first NASA astronauts since 2011 to the International Space Station from the United States appear to be delayed due to incomplete security measures and problems in the program. # 39; crew. commercial agency, according to a federal report released this week.

SpaceX and Boeing Co are the two main contractors selected under the commercial crew program of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration to send astronauts into space, perhaps in 2019, but in using his spaceship Dragon and Starliner respectively.

But the report of the Government Accountability Office indicates that the problems could delay the launch of the first mission inhabited from the American soil by a private company and could lead to a nine-month vacuum in which no American astronaut lives in the ISS.

"Boeing and SpaceX continue to make progress in the development of their crew transportation systems, but the two contractors have further delayed the certification stage until early 2019", says The report.

"Without a viable contingency option to guarantee We concluded that NASA may not be able to maximize the return on its multi-million dollar investment in the space station," he added. 19659003] In 2014, SpaceX and Boeing respectively had uninterrupted access to the ISS, and received contracts worth $ 2.6 billion and $ 4.2 billion for the construction of transportation systems. crews as part of the commercial crew program, NASA's main campaign to use the private sector for ISS missions.

Since 2011, NASA has bought seats in the Russian spacecraft Soyuz months in advance to send American astronauts to the space station Launch platforms in Kazakhstan Launchings in the United States before 2011 have been handled by NASA

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