Natalinos protested in front of the police station after the trial of the murder trial of Gonzalo Muñoz


Natalinos protested in front of the police station after the trial of the murder of Gonzalo Muñoz

A little more than half a hundred protesters demonstrated yesterday with placards in front of the barracks of the second police station of Puerto Natales , expressing their disagreement with the decision. judges dictated this Friday in the case of Gonzalo Muñoz.

The front of the police headquarters was protected by special forces troops, to avoid the repetition of the July 8 abuses of last year following what was recently held with Gonzalo , Sady and Víctor.

Motorists who made improvised caravans through different streets of the city, playing their horns also joined the protest. This 9th of July will be published the sentence that gets up the main defendants.

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