Netflix launches a new "Ultra" plan and studies changes to its rates


It will be added to its current offering which includes three plans, Basic, Standard and Premium. The latter would lose benefits in terms of quality and number of connected screens.

Netflix's hiring plans change. In the past few hours, several Internet sites specializing in entertainment have warned of the emergence in Europe of a new form of services in the company called "Ultra", which would alter the current offering of plans basic, standard and premium.

the moment, the basic plan, with SD quality and a single screen, was worth 7.99 euros. The second plan, Standard, allowed HD and two users using the service at the same time for 10.99 euros. And the third plan, the Premium, came out at 13.99 euros with four devices and 4K quality.

If it is definitely implemented, Ultra would probably cost 16.99 euros per month, for four HD quality devices.

The Premium account, meanwhile, would reduce the number of screens and lose the HD quality, although the changes would only affect new employees.

Netflix had already readjusted the prices of its packages between one and two nine months ago

The company reported that "we continually test new things on Netflix and these tests tend to vary over time, in this case, we are trying slightly different prices and features to better understand Netflix: Everyone will not see this test and we will never be able to offer specific items included in the test to our members. "

The firm says that it's a test that does not mean changes for new or old users the feature is not yet activated, nor planned nor confirmed that it will eventually be done. " moment, tranquility.

Whatever the case may be, if the plan had just been commissioned would change the rate for users who want more than one connected device at a time, since the Standard and Pre plan The change would result in higher prices.

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