Netflix, Spotify and PlayStation users start paying VAT


In the last hours, the terms for making the payment of digital services provided to users or borrowers of the country by borrowers resident or domiciled abroad have come into effect, as long as the local user does not Is not responsible registered in the VAT

Some of the affected companies are Netflix; Spotify Play Station; Amazon; HBO Digital, Bloomberg; Airbnb and Booking

When digital service services are paid to residents or domiciled abroad, through the country's entities that facilitate or manage payments at the same time. Abroad, they must act as collection and settlement agents. tax and seize the corresponding amount before the AFIP, as long as the borrowers do not have the quality of the person registered in the value-added tax. In the case where the borrower makes the payment of the digital service by credit card and / or purchase, the collection of the tax must be made at the date of collection of the summary and / or payment of the card in question .

Netflix users who subscribe to the basic plan and who paid $ 129 a month up to now will pay $ 156.09. The standard HD plan will increase from $ 169 to $ 204.49, while the premium will increase from 229 to 277.09, respectively.

Another of the impacts is Airbnb. In March, banks started to keep up to 28% of the profits of homeowners who rent real estate through this platform.

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