New balance Carabineros: seven dead in accidents for a long weekend | National


Riflemen reported early Sunday that seven people had died as a result of traffic accidents on the country's roads, as part of the long weekend.

According to information provided by the authorities, seven deaths, three deaths in registered accidents in the metropolitan area, two in the Bío Bío, one in Antofagasta and another in O. Higgins.

According to the details provided by the Carabineros, four pedestrians died He ran by careless roads and one of them was hit by a bus that did not respect the signs. While the other two deaths have suffered accidents due to driving while intoxicated.

It is expected that at 5:00 pm this Sunday, the Carabineros will give a new record, where the victims should add two traffic accidents recorded this morning in Chiloe that caused 5 deadly casualties.

About 125 thousand people left the metropolitan area this weekend, so a complex return to the capital is expected on Monday, so authorities have recommended that drivers plan trips to avoid problems in return.

On Monday, the emergency measures will apply from 11:00 am and will consist of activating the 4 × 1 system between the Algarrobo link and the Zapata toll, next to the 3 × 1 between the Lo Prado toll and the ring road. Vespucio

In addition, another measure of urgency to facilitate the return to the metropolitan area will be the reduction of the price of the toll to a thousand pesos between 8:00 am and 3:00 pm on Monday, July 2nd.

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