New intendant appointed to Magallanes after resignations and crises in the regional government | National


After this Tuesday, Mayor Christian Matheson submitted his resignation, adding that of the government of Yanira Lara Seremi, Minister Cecilia Pérez went to Punta Arenas to personally address the regional political crisis to Magallanes ] and the Chilean Antarctic

In the regional capital, the spokesman of the government informed the appointment, on behalf of the president Sebastián Piñera, of María Teresa Castañón as new intendenta . /

With the above, the subrogation of Governor Nicolás Cogler, whose name sounded yesterday as the first option for La Moneda, has was rejected, denying the possibility of Castañón

New Intendanta

María Teresa Castañón is a social worker with experience in citizen participation and strengthening of management in the private and public sectors, as well as in management public policies and project evaluation.

Between 2011 and 2014, she held the position of Regional Director of the National Service for Women in the Magallanes region and the Chilean Antarctic. until yesterday- as serem of Desarrollo Social

Castañón a 39 years old, militates in the National Renewal and also served as councilor of the municipality of Punta Arenas.

The resignation of Matheson

In the area, Cecilia Pérez was consulted for the underlying reasons that triggered the resignation of the first regional authority, Christian Matheson, who said that his decision was not not voluntary.

Without detail, the Secretary of State acknowledged that The periods are fulfilled and there are evaluations undertaken ". content / uploads / 2018/07 / renuncia.mp3

For the moment, said Perez, there will be more changes in the Gobi Regional Office, ensuring that the new names give a personal stamp to a government program that must maintain continuity

In the coming days will be announced the name of the new regional secretary of the government, for the moment continue to work under subrogance 19659015] window.fbAsyncInit = function () {
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