New record: FAO says Chilean women are the most obese in South America


We continue to grow. A few months ago, a report from the OECD put us in second place of obesity, surpbaded only by the United States. This time, a new report released today by four United Nations food agencies places Chile at the highest obesity index in South America at the US Food and Agriculture Organization. the women.

According to the "Panorama of Food and Nutrition Security in Latin America and the Caribbean in 2018," 31% of the female population over 18 years of age have this condition.

And men are not left out. The international study states that the rate of obesity among Chilean men over the age of 18 is 24.9%, ranking second in South America. Added to the above, it would seem to be an alert for all ages. The rate of overweight among children under 5 is one of the highest in Chile, with 9.3% in Latin America and the Caribbean, exceeding the regional average of 7.3% and average 5% worldwide. , 6%

Women are more obese than men, in all countries

  weighs Women of all countries in the region are more obese than men. / Getty

"In all countries in the region, including Chile, the obesity rate of women is higher than that of men." It is a persistent, badociated gap. to multiple factors, including economic limitations, to reduce this inequality because it implies a deterioration in the quality of life and health risks, "said Eve Crowley, FAO Representative in Chile.

"The evolution of dietary habits with a preference for high-fat products, sugar and salt are one of the main causes of the high figures of overweight and obesity presented by the Chilean population" Crowley adds.

Alejandra Domper, Executive Secretary of Elige Vivir Sano, believes that "high rates of known cases of obesity are alarming."

"That's why, from Elige Vivir Sano, we are working with the entire population to encourage healthy eating, still preferring fruit and vegetable station shortage.We have made various arrangements to organize fairs for Chileans and to extend their hours so that those who work also have access to quality food ", he adds.

Healthy food costs more

These changes have affected the entire population, but these are the most excluded sectors, such as children, women, Aboriginal groups, and those living in poverty or urbanized areas. rural areas, are the most affected. the consumption of healthy foods such as milk and meat must often opt for ultra-processed products because they have a lower cost.

The report reveals that Chile is one of the countries where the annual expenditure on food consumed outside the country is the highest. Domestic and non-alcoholic beverages, alongside Brazil, Mexico and Colombia, and the economic impact of the double burden of malnutrition in three countries in the region (Chile, Ecuador and Mexico) for the year 2014 range from 0 , 2% to 4.3% of GDP, averaging between $ 493 and $ 28,830 million, respectively.

At the other extreme, in Chile, the prevalence of undernourishment is 3.3%. In other words, nearly 600,000 people do not meet the minimum daily energy requirements for a healthy, active lifestyle.


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