New study says Netflix surpasses television, cable and even YouTube in the United States | Economy


A new study from the financial and commercial badysis firm Cowen & Co. states that Netflix has been cemented as the most popular entertainment alternative in the United States, being preferred to the traditional television, cable and even Youtube.

This research, according to Variety magazine, consisted of a survey in which 2500 people were asked about their preferences by watching a video at home.

In total, 39.7% of those surveyed report using Netflix as their main platform for consuming television content in their homes, followed by YouTube with 17%, basic cable services is in third place with 12.6% and the rest of the alternatives, including Hulu, Amazon Prime, premium cable and local television fail to exceed 8% .

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] The study looked at people aged 18 to 34. The younger they were, the more likely they were to use Netflix as the main entertainment platform.

The reason for this domain is still not known concretely, although it is badumed that it must do, in part, offer Netflix content, as well as the low price of the service compared to basic cables and premium.

The firm Cowen & Co. says that Netflix will grow even more if it maintains the public interest, especially in However, it will depend on the ability of the company's executives to produce content that attracts people and can be adapted to their needs.

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