New Supreme Court Justice Talks Controversy After Appointment


The new Supreme Court Minister, Angela Vivanco, spoke about the controversy and the criticism received after the vote that led her to become part of the country's main court; all this, amid a strong controversy between the PS and the rest of the opposition, after the community led by Álvaro Elizalde did not respect the agreement reached with the PPD and the DC with the executive.

Given this, Vivanco referred to El Mercurio on this conflict, noting that "all this discussion had to do with political differences, and with political aspirations rather than political differences. with my person ".

On the other hand, he baderted that "outside of the use of his appointment, there were " situations that were not necessarily related to me, but were the interests of the parties and took advantage of this fact to make a kind of measure of the forces the conflict Because everything related to my professional background was known several months ago. "

Asked about the debate on the laying of charges, he gave his opinion on the appointment of Supreme Court judges.

" It should be noted that for the appointment of the ministers of the Constitutional Court there was They proposed to use the same system of the Supreme Court because they found it better. The Supreme Court system is tripartite: the President, the Court itself and the Senate intervene. "

" And, therefore, "he added," is a complex system that should give certain guarantees. Now, if the idea is that it does not give those guarantees or the hbadle, well, it would be necessary to reform the Constitution, because that system is established in the Constitution. "

On what he hopes to contribute to his new position, Vivanco said that" those of us who are outside the administration of justice come with another worldview. " and the idea is to contribute to it. In my case, it is to contribute the vision of an academic who has worked for many years to study and academy, basically in a subject of rights (…) Search to protect the most vulnerable and to better secure their rights, I think it is the greatest contribution it can make. "

Finally, he went against criticisms by which was described as an ultraconservative. " People who know me know that I am a moderate person . And therefore, I believe that there is no one who knows me who can say that I am ultraconservative. So, I take it as something that is said by people who do not know me "he replied to El Mercurio.

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