New Uses of a Cuban Therapeutic Vaccine Against Lung Cancer Studied


Havana – Cuban researchers investigate new uses of the therapeutic vaccine for lung cancer Cimavax-efg, one of the drugs developed in this Caribbean country that has yielded more results promising in the fight against this disease, and

The Center for Molecular Immunology (CIM) badyzes the effects of the use of Cimavax in combination with other approved drugs against lung cancer , the possibilities of use in other types of cancer and also in several phases. The Granma government newspaper published early in the disease

Tania Crombet, a researcher at the ICM, cited as such, argued that the vaccine called "therapeutic" because it does not treat cancer, but improves the clinical condition of patients. and its quality of life – recalled that the drug is injected intramuscularly "and that its high level of safety makes it easier to use at the level of primary care to health."

Up to now, Cimavax , which is applied in advanced cases of non-small cell lung cancer, has been used in more than 5,000 Cuban patients with "promising" results, according to the ICD. [19659003] The vaccine was registered in Cuba in 2008 and now has a health registration in Argentina, Colombia, Peru, Paraguay, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Kazakhstan, as well as two medical patents. invention, one of which will be valid until 2028 out of 80

The vaccine is currently undergoing clinical studies in institutions in Europe, Asia and the United States, where an alliance between the CIM and the Roswell Park Cancer Institute (New York) was recently announced to create the first joint biotech company between the United States and Cuba.

The new company, called the Island-based Innovative Immunotherapy Alliance (IIA), will develop drugs and cancer treatments after their shipment to the United States

. This initiative will also allow Roswell Park access to four drugs whose use is currently approved in other countries, including Cimavax, whose effectiveness is being studied in this scientific institution during two years.

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