News of Ecuador, its provinces and the world


In Ecuador, 45.5% of births take place with this medical technique. Experts warn about the risks


Latin America is the region of the planet where we practice the most caesareans (44.3% of births), according to a study warning on the "global epidemic" of this type of delivery, recommended only in case of medical necessity.

The number of births with this technique in the world has almost doubled in 15 years, from 12% to 21% between 2000 and 2015, and exceeded 40% in 15 countries. Most of Latin America and the Caribbean, says the report released last Friday in Lancet magazine

. Currently, the proportion of cesareans needed for medical reasons is estimated to be between 10% and 15%. According to the study based on figures from the World Health Organization and Unicef, 60% of the 169 countries surveyed are above this range and 25% below that.

" A large increase in the number of caesareans – particularly in the well-off and without medical reasons – is a problem because of the badociated risks for the mother and the baby," says the report coordinator , Marleen Temmermann, of the Aga Khan University of Kenya Ghent University in Belgium

The Dominican Republic in the Lead

The disparities are considerable between regions, from Sub-Saharan Africa (4.1%) in Latin America and the Caribbean (44.3% vs. 32.3% in 2000.)

In South Asia, caesarian sections have increased faster than in any other region, averaging 6% annually, from 7.2% to 18%. , 1% of births between 2000 and 2015.

In North America, the rate was 32% and 26.9% in Western Europe.

By country, the Dominican Republic is the world leader in this type of birth (58.1%), followed by Brazil (55.5%).

] Among the top 15, the following Latin American territories are also distinguished: Venezuela (52.4%), Chile (46%), Colombia (45.9%), Paraguay (45.9%), Ecuador (45.5%), Mexico (40.7%) and Cuba (40.4%).

The World Congress of Gynecology and Obstetrics convened in Brazil attributed to Lancet this "epidemic" of cesarean section to the existence of less competent medical equipment to accompany difficult deliveries by natural means . The convenience of birth day programming, among other aspects, presents the most important economic benefits for clinics.

There are complications

Caesareans are essential in case of complications, such as haemorrhage, fetal distress or abnormal position of the baby, recalls the report

but they also present risks, such as a more complicated recovery of the mother and problems at subsequent births (ectopic pregnancy and abnormal development of the placenta).

The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists recommends that women plan badl delivery as much as possible.
In addition, research highlights that there is growing evidence that babies born using this method are not exposed to the same hormonal, physical or bacterial processes as those born naturally, which could alter their health.

In order to limit caesarean section abuse, the World Congress of Gynecology recommends, for example, to apply a single rate for all births, requiring hospitals to publish their statistics, to better inform women, and to improve natural birth training.

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