News – The Japanese Emperor Akihito suffers from cerebral anemia and must rest


© POOL / AFP / Archives | Akihito, 125th Emperor of Japan, reigns since January 1989. He is expected to leave his post next April, under a special law that authorizes him to abdicate


The Japanese Emperor Akihito, 84, suffers from cerebral anemia and has to rest, government spokesman said Monday.

"His Majesty the Emperor Akihito suddenly felt badly at 4:00 am (9:00 pm GMT on Sunday), suffering from nausea, dizziness and excessive sweating caused by cerebral anemia," Yoshihide said. Suga at his press conference.

Activities scheduled during the day were canceled because Akihito "needs rest," he added.

Akihito, 125th Emperor of Japan, since January 1989. He must leave his post next April, under a special law that authorizes him to abdicate.

In August 2016, Akihito gave a televised speech in which he shared his doubts about his ability to continue to "fill body and soul" the obligations related to his role of "symbol of the people and unity of the nation" "

This statement was then interpreted as a desire to Abdicate in favor of his firstborn, Prince Naruhito, 58, a possibility that was not contemplated in the Imperial House legislation.

As a result, an exceptional law has been approved that allows him to abdicate, but that will not apply to his successors.

© 2018 AFP

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