Newspapers Highlight Left's Victory in Mexico


Newspapers from Latin America, the United States and European countries emphasized on their covers that Andrés Manuel López Obrador won the presidency with a devastating victory and commented that for the first time a leftist candidate is in power.


In the United States, printed newspapers The Washington Post The New York Times The Wall Street Journal and Los Angeles Times Published on the covers:

The Washington Post

"Mexico goes to the left López Obrador wins with a big advantage I vote against anger, poverty, corruption and violence"


The New York Times

"The leftist is the winner of the Mexican vote Anger against the elites triggers a political uprising."


The Wall Street Journal

" The leftist wins the presidential race with the promise of a change. "

Photo: Kiosk.

Los Angeles Times

"The Leftist Gains Mbadively"


Latin America

The Clarín of Argentina published as The Victory of Lopez Obrador was a triumph for the left center. Also in Argentina, the newspaper La Nación publishes that "The left makes history in Mexico".


The Cuban newspaper Granma on its cover that the first of July was a "historic day for Mexico."


Other newspapers such as Globo or Brasil, Mercurio of Chile, El Tiempo de Colombia, Trade of Ecuador, Trade of Peru and the United States. Universal of Venezuela, published on their cover the triumph of Andrés Manuel.

The English newspaper The Guardian entitled his note "the leftist, baseball lover who sees Jeremy Corbyn as a friend, will be the new president".

The German newspaper Süddeutsche Zeintung regarded Andrés Manuel as a left-wing nationalist. The newspaper Welt wrote that Mexico experienced a "political earthquake".

El Mundo of Spain, put in title "Andrés Manuel López Obrador, the messiah of the Mexican left." In the same tone, La Stampa from Italy, note: "Obrador elected president, Mexico turns the page and chooses a populist."

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