Nicaragua crisis: "Opposition has the strength to mobilize, but not to govern"


The political crisis in Nicaragua, which confronted President Daniel Ortega's Sandinismo to social forces led by university students, lasted three months and left more than 350 people dead. The charges point to President Ortega (photo) because there are paramilitary forces that would not be particularly controlled by the Nicaraguan police.

International chronicler PAUTA 100.5 Gabriel Gaspar says that the situation is complex, because the protests are citizens and there are several Sandinista figures who have been disappointed by the Ortega government. "The opposition has the strength to mobilize, but not to govern," he said, although "the government does not have the strength to continue to govern as before."

Gaspar recounts that the Sandinista movement that governs Nicaragua is different from Chavismo in Venezuela even though they are united by left-wing ties. In Nicaragua, for example, Ortega has managed to make his regime work with some economic tranquility and lower crime rates than in Central American countries such as Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala.

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