"Nicaragua does not forget, Nicaragua does not give up", united voices against the bullets


Managua, Nicaragua.

" Nicaragua does not forget, Nicaragua does not surrender". Steps, demonstrations, caravans, rallies, flags and slogans repeated. Thus the country rises every day, in response to the bullets and the bloodshed of those who gave their lives for the cause, of those who died to draw words against the Sandinist canons

. He left in a caravan of cars in the streets of Managua, until his goal was reached, which looks more like a distant dream than a near reality, "but Nicaragua will find peace again , freedom and justice, President Daniel Ortega the power by his own will or because people throw him. "

Words repeated in every corner, in every house, in every civic event day after day, like Manuel Mendo, Nicaraguan during the caravan of vehicles decorated with flags, who visited the most popular areas of the capital, explained to the neighbors that "the people do not give up".

"They (combined government forces) have bullets and we do not need anything else to defeat the tyrant (Ortega) and only with that and our voices, we l & # 39; will reach and get back the country, because it's up to us, it does not come from Daniel nor from Rosario (his wife and vice president) who at 60 years feels "stronger than ever" to leave behind "the country that our people deserve. "

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Mendo is part of this group of great and parents who have decided to go down to the streets to support students, architects of popular revolts and young people who throw their blood every day for the country they love.

The idea conveyed by Nicaraguan elders is common: "we are old, they are killing us, we have already lived, but our children Ants and grandchildren have a future in front of them that no dictator can steal, "said Manuel, who matches grandmothers already There are more and more bulls, with more importance in demonstrations, whose sole purpose is to "support young people".

"They kill us and we can not afford it. Why do not they kill us? Why do not you shoot here? ", Mendo said showing his chest, while repeating that he puts his life at the disposal of the sandinist bullets provided that they stop targeting the young.

The elders joined the fight dragged by the instinct of protection, for the sake of their own and to leave a decent legacy to their descendants.

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be summoned through social networks, they had their strength and, as if it was a meeting, in recent days, the elderly are more numerous in the demonstrations, in the streets where they are ready to give their lives for the future of Nicaragua

The government of Ortega, who does not suppose that the people gets up in the fight, goes down in the streets the "combined forces" armed, formed by the police, parapolicies, pa sectarian and anti-riot groups, who fire indistinctly. unacceptable and pitiless towards any uncomfortable point for power.

Thus, with this procedure, it was as if, since the beginning of the popular rebellion, rifles roared, taking the lives of at least 288 people, including 20 miners

The population, who does not hide his fatigue, but neither his desire to go forward, is not "willing" to surrender to the Ortega executive, which caused a great crisis socio-political in the country following some failures reforms of social security

The management of this government gave rise to a constant petition that began on April 18, when the clamor for the resignation of the president, after eleven consecutive years in power, and his wife, Vice President Rosario Murillo, do not stop. The cry of "Nicaragua does not forget, Nicaragua does not surrender" has earned its place in contemporary history. EFE

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