Nicaragua: how to live more than 15 hours under paramilitary headquarters in a church full of students


In the midst of bullets one does not think about death, think about his family: how are they going to go without me? If this will cause you pain … You throw yourself on the floor and wait for the endless "jitters, jitters, trac" bursts.

So we were a group of 200 people in a small Catholic church in Managua for over 15 hours. Most of them were students who had been expelled from the National Autonomous University of Nicaragua (Unan) on Friday night, by troops of civilians loyal to President Daniel Ortega.

The government has not ruled on the confrontations of Unan, but the university, described as an official despite its autonomy, said in a statement that the youth who took the center destroyed the campus.

With nearly 40,000 students, Unan is the At the beginning of May, the largest university in Nicaragua rebelled against Ortega, joining the protests that d & # 39; other small universities had already started.

University students are the symbol of the popular uprising who has lived in the country for three months against the president, in power for 11 years and accused of corruption and corruption. abuse of power. Since the beginning of the demonstrations, more than 300 people have died, mostly civilians.

After the students took Unan, the university had to suspend all its activities for more than two months and the young people announced that they would not remit the same thing until that time. that Ortega leaves power.

I was taken with them and several bishops when I covered as a reporter expelling university students … And I ended up living the drama's siege. A church, Jesus of Divine Mercy.


"I do not let myself be caught alive"

"Today will be a long night," says Valeska, 20, in the church where we are refuge.

Jesus of Divine Mercy is located next to Unan, next to a neighborhood of the upper middle clbad called Villa Fontana Sur.

To the extent that the government's shock forces conquered the eight entrances to the university, the students retreated to the small temple.

The last barricade they defended was located on the main street of Villa Fontana. After this barricade, government troops already had access to the church. And sometimes they succeeded: they fired and came back. It was the seat all night from Friday 13 July and 14 July at dawn.


The young law student tells that she was kidnapped by troops loyal to Ortega, then abandoned the most pithy phrase heard Friday night 13. [19659002] "I do not let me catch alive, I already know what tortures they apply ", and shows a piece of glbad in the middle of the dark helped by the light of the screen of his mobile phone . 19659002] "Do not say that, let's get out of here alive" a voice in the background. The two priests of the parish who are also lying on the ground to dodge bullets, tell the young woman to have faith and hope

But Valeska can not: the young woman explains that at the beginning of In June she was kidnapped with three more students by government-related forces, who "tear off her fingernails" by asking her who funded the university's taking.

The student was left naked on the shores of Lake Managua, in a desolate area, she recalls.

An investigation by the Inter-American Commission of Human Rights into the demonstrations concluded that there were serious human rights violations (…) characterized by the Excessive use of force by State security forces and the use of violence by armed third parties. "Despite this, the government denies responsibility for acts of violence.


Refugee in the temple Friday, Valeska fears the worst .

L & # 39, Jesus Church of Divine Mercy is surrounded by government-related forces that fired about fifty students who confront it with weapons craft mortars, stones and sticks.

The bullets arrive where we are all refugees and lying on the ground.The whistles are heard and pac! They stick on the walls.The torn debris cause injury to a teacher who is on place, in solidarity with his students.

She touches herself, she has blood, and when she is told that she has no bullet in the head, she controls herself. "C & # 39; was a piece of the wall, "says a doctor who is also present.

But this same fate of the professor, was not Gerald Chavez, 20 years old and student of construction techniques of Unan. [19659030] "A doctor, a doctor …"

In the middle of the night, when you heard the "jitters, jitters, jitters" gunshots followed by the heartbreaking phrase "doctor, doctor. .. ", it was ] synonymous with death

After this sequence of events, Gerald Chavez was taken away by other students to the house of the Church, lots of people lying on the floor to avoid bullets.


There they slept on a small plastic table, so small that Chavez's feet clung and that doctors began to examine [19659002] "accidental injury to the head, he came out of the other side", signal or the volunteer doctor who treated him and gave him a liter of serum with a painkiller for the young man of 20 suffers from a death a little less painful.

The young man was from Masaya, another rebel city against the government, like the students.

When the doctors checked that Chavez had stopped breathing, the cries began.

"Carnal, why did you leave me," says one. "My little carnalito is dead," Angel shouted, "he was the only one in my career who was here in the fight."

Ángel Cardoza is 19 years old and says that Chavez was with him defending a barricade when he went out to see the position of the paramilitaries and then the bullet crossed his head

"C & He was a sniper, "he says emphatically. "He did not fall there, I caught him, dragged him and brought him here," he said crying

Chavez and Francisco Flores were the deadly victims, plus 12 wounded, that the students had after 18 hours of confrontations with troops of civilians loyal to Ortega until they were expelled from the university and took refuge in the church.

<img src = "×0.jpg" alt = "But Flores could not even be taken to be examined by the doctors, his body was found discovered in the middle of the street that the paramilitaries and students were fighting.Nobody dared to save him because they were an easy target [19659002] Like Chávez, Flores received a precise blow in the head. "A professional …", says one of the medical students who also helps the wounded.

Although the government did not not pronounced on what happened, the official website El Digital 19 labeled the students of "terrorists and criminals" .The media claimed that they attacked a caravan of Sandinista militants in which [9459004] 9 people were wounded and set fire to installations.

He accompanied his news with a photograph of weapons found on the site.

End of siege

The students and journalists who were there were saved by Nuncio Waldemar Stanislaw Sommertag and Cardinal Lepoldo Brenes at 9 am this Saturday.

More than 200 students were rescued taken from the Managua Metropolitan Cathedral where a crowd received them as a hero s . Human rights organizations are now looking for safe homes.


Unan announced that clbades will resume Monday, but the protests should continue. [19659002] Since the Episcopal Conference of Nicaragua, the Organization of American States and other countries Ortega has been asked to hold early elections to end the crisis or leave the government.

But the President has not shown signs of going to do it

"Here the rules are established by the Constitution of the Republic through the people, the rules can not change them overnight, just because they hit a group of putschists, "Ortega told a group. of disciples only a week ago.

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