Nicolás López case: The government spokesman congratulated the women who denounced the abuses


The agitation caused by the accusations of badual harbadment and abuse against the filmmaker Nicolás López does not leave the government without reaction, which through its spokesperson, Cecilia Pérez, congratulated those who dared to give their testimony and the public prosecutor who announced an investigation to discover the truth of the facts.

"I congratulate courageous women, who dare to raise their voices every day, knowing many times that behind this courage to claim their rights, Often, there are threats of loss of employment, loss of life. opportunities, even if these women raise their voices and say no more, "he said

According to Pérez, the Saturday magazine report reveals" a permanent, consistent abuse, acting to the detriment of women, we believe that justice must investigate, it must be transparent and known to the public ", and told the victims that" all that On the part of the government, under the protection of the Ministry of Women, as we We have done in other known and public cases, count on us because they are not alone.

Finally, the spokesman stressed that the country today "must be moved and act against badual abuse and work and abuse." It is Chile we want. "

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